I`m fine, just not happy
Ball-pen drawing + digital editing, 2016
This graphic represents the emotional state I was in. Unhappy, toxic relationship that made me feel like I am loosing my mind. The empty gaze, fragile arms and legs, blank facial expressions. I thought, everyone asks-How are you? but nobody asks-Are you happy? Figures eyesight is aimed towards the viewer, as to not look away, and face the truth.
My back hurts
Ball-pen drawing + digital editing, 2013
3-part drawings are the visual expression of my physical pain, emotional state and inspiration combined. It shows a state of emotional exhaustion and body shaming.
Bold colors help the contrast and detail to come out. Eyes closed as if they are sleeping. Hoping that this is just a nightmare and waking up will leave all the drama behind.
Pencil drawing + digital editing + silkscreen print, 2019
Pattern course in KMD(Faculty for Art, Music & Design). Here I wanted to create a pattern with a stylized meaning.
This idea came to me, when I was siting at my desk, short before lunchbreak. My hunger reminded me, that not everyone gets lunch, or food enough during the day. And its a never-ending loop to survive.
So I started with a circle, it has no end, right?
And each circle represents a persons loop.
Some get three meals, some do not get one at all, some eat only once a day. Some feel dizzy with too much, or too little.
Poem illustration
Black markers and pens + silkscreen print, 2019
Self portrait ExLibris
Linocutt, 2019
Classmates childhood story illustration
Linocutt, 2019
It was a story my classmate told me, the task was to draw a portrait according to
the story.
He was a rebellious little kid, who loved to sharpen wood into spikes, and it was against the rules of the kindergarten.
Digital drawing, 2021
B&W drawing of Bergen, a personalized Ex-Libris for a literature enthusiast - Gunda Kārkliņa